Are you confused about whether to take up the new job or not ?

Here is a 5 point checklist to help you decide , if you should plunge in…
Joining back at work after a maternity break was hard. It melted my heart to leave my little one alone at home . But even harder was deciding whether to take up the role that was being offered. This was time to reflect, this was the time to not be emotional or rational, but time to decide how my life will look for the next few years.  After lot of thinking and reading books, talking to friends and about others experiences, I figured a kind of rulebook which  will help in deciding whether it is worth taking an opportunity or not . Here it goes..

1.       How does it help you as an individual?

Does it give you a break, or a step jump, does it improve your exit options, or comes with a premium on pay? Will you learn and improve your capability or is it more of the same? Does it help you with your personal goals and life skills?

2.       Does it leverage your strengths?

A person can keep on developing their weakness, but as highlighted by Marcus Buckingham in his book “ Discover your strengths ” , you can never succeed if you hinge on your weaknesses. You got to make your strengths , your superpowers work and work like no one else can ! That’s what makes you a star at your job ..  !

3.       Who is the boss?

A great manager can make a tough job rewarding , but a bad manager can make even a dream job  Stressful . You will never have the perfect package , but is he respectful towards you, your personal life. Is he someone you can approach? Is he willing to listen to you, engage with you?

4.       Company’s Culture

Are you comfortable with the culture of the organization ? Do you fit in there? Sometimes you may not, but if the organization values you, you may still want to stick on .

5.       Shape of You

How will the job shape you and prepare you for a bright tomorrow? Do you have an increased responsibility, or does it broaden your perspective, makes you more fungible for industry and organisations ? Will you have opportunities to network/increase visibility inside and outside the industry ?

Now , it will be almost impossible to score a high on all of them , so here is my tie breaker.  Overall,  If you are scoring  a 3/ 5 , you are good to go and plunge right in and grab the opportunity.  All the best !

Further, if you are a manager, think about the same yardstick for your team members, and see if you are doing the same with them as they are ramping back into the organization or settling in their new job . If an employee feels that the role has been specifically tailored using  his/her strengths in mind, to give the learning that he seeks, in a supportive manner to gear him for his professional success, there is no stone that he will leave unturned to make this job work  !
